So I am going to try this blog thing again. Mostly so that I can keep family up to date on our family. Hope everyone enjoys reading about our lives.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4 years and 4 months and 8 months

Sometimes I feel like all I talk about on here is the babies. So here is too Keagan. He is such an amazing little man. I know that most parents feel like this about their children so I am going to toot his horn a little. He is so smart. He is ready to start preschool and I can't wait to watch him learn and grow. He picked out his backpack last week, who would have guessed that he would pick out the Pokemon one. How is it that he is old enough to go to school. He loves to play on the xbox, sometimes he just wants to sit with me or Craig and watch but he also likes to play some of the games by himself. He is the best big brother ever. He loves his baby brother and sister. Especially now that they can play with him or he can play with them. He has now decided that he wants to be like daddy and sleep in his undies only. He has been a great big help with keeping his toys picked up, mostly without having to ask him. I am so blessed with these three wonderful children.

1 comment:

Karrie Bowman said...

Oh, they're growing up so fast and doing such cute things. Glad Keagan likes pre-school, he is such a little man! The twins are adorable and must keep you busy! Enjoy the ages they are, and write down the funny little things they say; you're gonna miss this!!!! Keep the posts coming!!!