So I am going to try this blog thing again. Mostly so that I can keep family up to date on our family. Hope everyone enjoys reading about our lives.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Update about Morgan

Sorry its taken me so long to post this... I haven't been on the computer for almost a week. So here is the new about Morgan. I took her this past Tuesday for her VCUG( I think that is the order of the letters, if not I am sorry). She was a little trooper. I love this little girl like you wouldn't believe and she constantly amazes me. We are taken back into an xray room, I get her clothes off, and put her on the table. She is just looking around and taking everything in. They have to put a catheter in and then they flow the dye up the cath. and make sure that she isn't refluxing urine up into her kidneys. She doesn't even cry about anything, I know that I would probably cry if they stuck one of those things up me. So they watch it flow out and then the test was over. She doesn't completely empty her bladder but Dr. Pickerill said that they amount left was so minute that it shouldn't be a problem. She is free and clear now unless she gets another UTI. If that happens then she will have to have more testing.

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