So I am going to try this blog thing again. Mostly so that I can keep family up to date on our family. Hope everyone enjoys reading about our lives.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Baby Clothes

I am sitting here taking a break from folding all the babies' clothes. I feel like all I do is laundry. When you have a baby I think that the season changing is the hardest of all. You can't put all of one season's clothes away but you need to get the new ones out. Plus Morgan is borderline on the 3-6 month clothes, some fit but most do not, so I am folding ones to put away and some to send to two good friends that are getting ready to have babies. Then on the other hand I am finally putting some of Keagan's baby clothes to rest and getting the next set out for Carter. I have such amazing memories with some of those outfits. It makes me sad to put some of them away, whether they are in a box to a friend or to go to the resale shop or the few special items I am keeping. I am glad that its my friends that are having the babies, mine are growing up and I don't envy them at all. Maybe in a few years when another friend has a baby and mine are past the baby/toddler stage I might be a little envious but not right now. I am done with that part of life, thankfully. I have my three amazing little lives to nurture. I also realize that clothes are just things but when you have babies or just one baby(this is for most people, I always get to type babies) the clothes are such a good indicator that your baby or babies are growing up, to fast. People always say, " Enjoy them cause they grow up fast." . You need to have a baby to realize that this is true. I look at Carter and Morgan and already wonder how they could possibly be almost 5 months old. So I am going to pack up all these clothes that we can't use anymore and send them to my friends so that they can make more memories with them. Good luck to you, and may your baby be as cute as mine are. :-)

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