Tonight was a rough one for me, I will admit. For those of you that know me, you would probably say that I have taken having two babies at once in stride. Don't get me wrong, I think that most mothers of multiples do but, I try not to let things faze me when it comes to taking care of them. I can usually get things done but tonight I needed another pair of arms. I think that if God is going to bless you with more than one baby he also needs to bless you with an extra set of arms to come out only when you really need them, LIKE TONIGHT!!
I have two sick babies... I don't know what would be worse, having one get sick then the other get sick or have them both get sick at the same time. So far they have both been getting sick at the same time. They just have colds, Carter's nose is like a faucet and Morgan's is running a little but she is mostly wheezy. About 6:30 they were both ready for jammies and bottles. I got them changed and made their bottles. Craig and Keagan were heading out to go look for mushrooms since there was a break in the rain and they had been cooped all day. Craig asked me if I needed any help and I told him no since I didn't think that tonight would be any different than a million other nights that I have fed them by myself while Craig has been busy with Keagan. So I get us all situated on the couch and Morgan will NOT calm down. She doesn't get upset that ofter but tonight was one of those nights that she was UPSET. I start to feed them and she is eating, coughing, gagging, crying, wiggling all over the place, did I mention crying. Finally after about half her bottle I try burping her and she lets out a burp from down deep and coughs up a bunch of crap, yuck. Then she is crying uncontrollably, so I try feeding her and she is gagging and coughing and crying. I put Carter down and try calling Craig, he doesn't have his phone. Where are my extra arms when I need them!!!!!!!! Carter is needing to finish his bottle and go to bed but now he won't eat and Morgan is crying and I finally put Carter in bed and he is just screaming....this horrible circle goes on for about 30 minutes until Craig comes back in and can help me. He gets Carter and settles him down and I try and console Morgan. I start Morgan's breathing treatment and she is ok while it goes on but as soon as its finished she starts crying again. She wants to eat but she would eat a little, cry and then burp and cough stuff up. After about 3 minutes she burps form way down deep and proceeds to PUKE everything back up all over me. Great!!!! Poor girl has it coming out her mouth and nose, she is crying because I am sure that its burning and now I am covered in baby puke. I get us changed and finally everyone to bed. Now I am going to go read the paper and then go to bed cause I have to work tomorrow. The one Monday that I really need to be home with my kids is the one I have to work cause someone is on vacation. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband.
So I am going to try this blog thing again. Mostly so that I can keep family up to date on our family. Hope everyone enjoys reading about our lives.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Exersaucers, Jumperoos, and Swings, OH MY

I don't know how parents did it without all of this stuff. Our
house has been taken over by swings, bouncy seats, a jumperoo, a playmat, and an exersaucer. I realize that we have more stuff since we have two babies but I will be glad when they don't need or want all of these things. I am also very grateful that I live in a day when I have all of these things to help me entertain the babies.

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Swim Lessons
This entry is starting at the end and as you go down you get to the start, SORRY.Next time I will try to get things in the right order.
Having a blast jumping in the pool. I think he did this about 10 times in a row. 

He decided that swimming lessons are fun and he is excited to come back next week. For now. 

"Mommy I don't want to swim anymore."

Waiting for the class to start.

Watching all the other kids in the class before him finish up their lesson. 
Keagan started swimming lessons today. It started off a little rough but it didn't take him very long and he was having a blast. He hadn't been to a huge pool like they have at the YMCA. He is not usually shy but today it took him about 10-15 minutes to finally warm up. Thankfully the instructors were very patient with him.

Keagan started swimming lessons today. It started off a little rough but it didn't take him very long and he was having a blast. He hadn't been to a huge pool like they have at the YMCA. He is not usually shy but today it took him about 10-15 minutes to finally warm up. Thankfully the instructors were very patient with him.
Baby Clothes
I am sitting here taking a break from folding all the babies' clothes. I feel like all I do is laundry. When you have a baby I think that the season changing is the hardest of all. You can't put all of one season's clothes away but you need to get the new ones out. Plus Morgan is borderline on the 3-6 month clothes, some fit but most do not, so I am folding ones to put away and some to send to two good friends that are getting ready to have babies. Then on the other hand I am finally putting some of Keagan's baby clothes to rest and getting the next set out for Carter. I have such amazing memories with some of those outfits. It makes me sad to put some of them away, whether they are in a box to a friend or to go to the resale shop or the few special items I am keeping. I am glad that its my friends that are having the babies, mine are growing up and I don't envy them at all. Maybe in a few years when another friend has a baby and mine are past the baby/toddler stage I might be a little envious but not right now. I am done with that part of life, thankfully. I have my three amazing little lives to nurture. I also realize that clothes are just things but when you have babies or just one baby(this is for most people, I always get to type babies) the clothes are such a good indicator that your baby or babies are growing up, to fast. People always say, " Enjoy them cause they grow up fast." . You need to have a baby to realize that this is true. I look at Carter and Morgan and already wonder how they could possibly be almost 5 months old. So I am going to pack up all these clothes that we can't use anymore and send them to my friends so that they can make more memories with them. Good luck to you, and may your baby be as cute as mine are. :-)
Monday, April 12, 2010
News on the kiddos

I took all three kids to the doctor for checkups and shots on Friday. Everyone is healthy. The weekend was tough since none of the kids really felt that great. Carter and Morgan both ran fevers all day Saturday even with Tylenol. So here are the results.
Well lets start with Keagan...
- Wight: 36 lbs
- Height: 40 inches
- The kid is a magnet for information. He has really gotten into playing on the computer, his leapster, he loves his tag reader and books, and right now he is into playing Ty the Tasmanian Tiger on the Xbox.
- He knows almost all of his letters, though if you ask for him to tell you sometimes he won't do it, but then he will randomly tell you, "Mommy looks its a ____."
- He can count to about 15 without mistakes.
- He has finally started paying attention to the babies now that they smile and laugh at him.
- He has pretty much stopped tormenting the cats.
- He starts swimming lessons on Saturday.
- Craig taught him how to cast his fishing pole, took him all of 1 day to get the hang of it. He is looking forward to going fishing and will tell you all of the fish he is going to catch when we are in Minnesota. (It took me weeks to completely master this.)
- He is going to start preschool in the fall, just not 100% sure where he will be going.
Now onto Carter...
- Weight: 14 lb 2 oz
- Length: 25 inches
- He is rolling from his tummy to his back but has yet to get himself completely over from his back to his tummy.
- He loves to smile at you.
- He laughs easily.
- He is so happy but is the first one to lose his cool.
- He is very ticklish.
- He won't take a pacifier but will suck on his fingers. He is not particular about which fingers just as long as there is something in his mouth.
- He is eating about 6 ounces of formula.
- He started eating cereal last week. I think that he is getting the hang of it. He has definitely mastered the opening of the mouth. Still pushes some of it out but he swallows more of than Morgan.
- He has started rubbing his eyes when he is tired.
- Loves to stare at things moving. Especially his fish on his swing as they go around.
- He is still in 3-6 month clothing but in size 3 diapers.
- I think that he is working on his two lower teeth. He has been drooling and cranky, this goes for Morgan too.
Last but certainly not least, Morgan...
- Weight: 15 obs 7 oz
- Length: 26 inches
- She has rolled over once from her tummy to her back. I didn't get to see it but I put her on her tummy and about 2 minutes later she was on her back. She HATES being on her tummy. She will roll up on her side when she is on her back but has not gone over.
- She just started moving more. She isn't the mover of the two.
- She finally found her voice. She loves to sing you a song.
- She will smile at you but you have to work for it sometimes. She is much more likely to smile at a man than a woman.
- She LOVES her daddy. Talk about smiles...all for him.
- She has to be in the right mood to laugh but once she starts she just keeps laughing.
- She is so laid back. She has to be really upset to cry. She had a rough March and I think that she probably cried more the weekend that she was in the hospital than she has ever cried since she was born. Didn't help that she had to have 3 IVs.
- She is eating between 6-8 ounces each bottle.
- She hasn't quite mastered the whole eating cereal yet. She is getting better but Carter eats it better so far.
- She has always sucked on a pacifier but has started sucking on the 2nd, and 3rd fingers of her right hand. Its about the only thing so far that the two of them have both done.
- She watches everything. She is going to be my little observant quiet girl.
- She is wearing some 3-6 month clothes but is going into 6-9 pretty quickly.
- She is wearing size 3 diapers.
I am sorry if anyone thinks that this is silly of me to write it all down but I like doing it. Leave me a comment if you want to let me know you were here.
And just so everyone knows...Carter and Morgan are NOT identical twins. Even if they looked alike which I don't think that they do. Boy and girl twins CANNOT be identical. They have different parts and that is a BIG difference.
Update about Morgan
Sorry its taken me so long to post this... I haven't been on the computer for almost a week. So here is the new about Morgan. I took her this past Tuesday for her VCUG( I think that is the order of the letters, if not I am sorry). She was a little trooper. I love this little girl like you wouldn't believe and she constantly amazes me. We are taken back into an xray room, I get her clothes off, and put her on the table. She is just looking around and taking everything in. They have to put a catheter in and then they flow the dye up the cath. and make sure that she isn't refluxing urine up into her kidneys. She doesn't even cry about anything, I know that I would probably cry if they stuck one of those things up me. So they watch it flow out and then the test was over. She doesn't completely empty her bladder but Dr. Pickerill said that they amount left was so minute that it shouldn't be a problem. She is free and clear now unless she gets another UTI. If that happens then she will have to have more testing.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
A weekend with no medical issues...

I realize that its been a week since I posted anything but I was busy and tired. Sorry. I am happy to announce that Morgan made it through a weekend without having to go to the ER or have some other random horrible thing happen to her (aka: red, itchy bumps covering her entire body). I took her to the doc on Monday and they think that she had a delayed allergic reaction to the sulfa meds that she was on for her urinary tract infection. She was put on a steroid when she went to the ER the next weekend and it suppressed the allergic reaction until it was out of her body. By Wednesday she was pretty much back to normal. She finally slept through the night again on Saturday night. Yeah for mommy. I had to cancel her final test for the whole UTI thing because of her red rash. They have to use that dye and so many people are allergic to it that if she had had an allergic reaction to it then we wouldn't have been able to tell. So now we go on Tuesday. We are keeping our fingers crossed that they find nothing wrong and it was just a random UTI that she had. We had a great Easter. The kids looked so adorable in their easter outfits. Keagan got to find a ton of eggs at Grammy and Popper's house, the babies just slept. haha.
Only two more months until we go on vacation. Lets hope that it goes fast.
Only two more months until we go on vacation. Lets hope that it goes fast.
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