So I am going to try this blog thing again. Mostly so that I can keep family up to date on our family. Hope everyone enjoys reading about our lives.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

so much has happened

Sorry that it has been so long since I updated this little thing. We have been so busy and then we were sick and time got away from me. Morgan is doing pretty good. She is down to getting treatments once or twice a day and seems to be doing good with that. Sometimes she has a rough day and needs more but things are going good right now. She finally started crawling and she is happy as a clam again. She then started pulling herself up on tables and such and then would start screaming. I showed her how is get back down and she was fine. I think she would get up and didn't know how to get back down and it scared her. She is starting to stand on her own a little but she is still pretty wobbly.
Carter is still my little mover. He is not walking yet but he is getting close. He will stand on his own and will take a couple of steps. He greatest problem is he just gets so excited that he falls down. I am predicting that he is going to follow in his fathers footsteps and be the one to need stitches. I pray that I am wrong.
Keagan is doing great in school. He is having a good time. He has new friends and still has his little girlfriend, Alia. He told me the other day that she was trying to kiss him but he ran away. Please lord help me now. He is only four and already the girls are after him.
I will try and keep up the post from now on. I have been working on scrapbooks trying to get caught up. I don't know that this is a possibility but I am trying.
Happy 11 month birthday, only one more month to go.
Messy girl!!!!
Messy boy!!

This is their favorite show. It is an on demand show and they are enthralled with it every time I turn it on.

Starting to walk!!!!!




Getting in some playing time while Carter takes a nap. She is just so darn cute. She has become my little lovey girl, she loves to give hugs and kisses. She is starting to wave hi and bye.

Some days are just to much to take. He doesn't have to take a nap every day but most days that he is home with me I make him lay down in our bed and watch a movie. Some days he makes it through the whole thing and others he doesn't. That cat loves him. Its amazing to behold, it is one of those really special pet/owner relationships. She was made to be his cat.

Playing Wii with each other. It amazes me how quick Keagan picks stuff up. This is one of their favorite past times. Craig is such an amazing dad. I am very lucky to have him as my other half.

I am so glad that they have each other. They complete this family and I didn't know they were missing until they got here. It has been interesting to see them interact with each other. They are really starting to communicate with each other. On the other hand, they can be mean to each other already, and STEAL toys.

She is finally crawling. She is so much happier but mommy on the other hand didn't know what she was saying when she said that she was ready for her to crawl. Thank goodness for gates. haha. You don't realize how easy it was to take care of them when they are little itty bitty.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Some days...

There are some days when I wish that I had a magic wand. I don't need it to do anything really special...I need one that could take away fevers, give my daughter her medicine without her having to taste it(it is really nasty stuff by the way), maybe I would use it to do laundry since it seems to pile up as fast as I can wash, dry, fold it, and put it away. Unfortunately I don't have one so I will do what moms do and take care of my children and husband as best as I can.

Here are some things that have happened it the last few days.
  • Carter had his first haircut. He still has wild hair that sticks up in the back but at least its trimmed thanks to Sherry. She did a great job.

  • Keagan is finally starting to really enjoy preschool. It took him a little bit of time to get used to the routine. He has a girlfriend there but we have yet to remember her name. Only in a four year old's mind is this ok. They have traded silly bands. This is very important!!

  • Morgan went to the doctor on Friday and she is having an asthmatic episode right now. She is on a nebulizer 4 times a day. Has to take steroids 4 times a day. This stuff is NASTY. I have been putting it in food and pretty much force feeding it to her but it makes me feel like a horrible mom.

  • On a positive note...She is about to take off and go. She will crawl about two times forward and then fall to her belly but she is so close finally. I know some think that I am crazy for wanting two babies crawling but she is going to be so much happier once she figures it out that it will be worth it to have to chase after both of them.

  • Carter is pulling himself up on everything and it probably won't be long until he is walking.

This video is one of the funniest things I have seen or heard in a long time, it amazes me how something so minor can seem so funny to one that hasn't experienced a lot in his short life.

Friday, August 27, 2010

they are 9 months old

The babies are 9 months old today. I know its hard to believe. I took pictures today but have not uploaded them yet. Will try to get to it tomorrow. But I thought that I would post some facts about them for right now.

  • He never stops moving, not even in sleep. He is all over the place now that he is crawling.
  • He loves to clap his hands.
  • He is pulling himself up on just about anything.
  • He took a few steps tonight, holding onto my fingers. He just recently started standing flatfooted. He was still standing on his toes.
  • He loves to eat, eat, eat. He is not one to stop eating unless he is really tired. Most of the time you have to finally just cut him off. I am talking about food here.
  • He is only taking 2 bottles a day, and he is a slow poke eater.
  • He is my happy baby now. He has kinda changed personalities with Morgan.
  • He doesn't really like baby food in the jars cause his momma has spoiled them and usually makes them all sort of tasty concoctions.
  • He is still really only saying Dada, much to my disappointment. I am ready to hear a momma out of one of their mouths.
  • He has two teeth on the bottom. Oh where, Oh where are your other teeth?
  • He does really well with his sippy cut.
  • He can pick stuff up with his fingers but this is something that Morgan beat him on.


  • My little daddy's girl. This girl loves her daddy.
  • She is still frustrated because she can't crawl. But she is trying a little more, she just wants to do it so bad but gets mad so easily.
  • She is scooting more and more.
  • She still only has two teeth on the bottom. Mommy is impatiently waiting for more to come in.
  • She also still really likes to eat but she reaches that point where she will tell you that she is done. What she does is a little different according to who is feeding her. This is when you usually but Carter off.
  • Its funny how is lags behind Carter just a little bit. She is getting closer to clapping her hands but hasn't done it yet. Makes me this how things are always going to be with the two of them. Carter being a real go getter and Morgan being the procrastinator? I guess we wait and see.
  • Morgan is also taking 2 bottles a day.
  • Morgan will say dada, Daddy and HI. Again I would like to say that I would love to hear a Momma.
  • She is wearing 12 month clothes.
  • She finally figured out how to drink from a sippy cup.
  • She has gotten really good at picking things up with her fingers.

I know that I am forgetting something for one or both but that is it for now. will post pictures soon. Leave me a comment if you read this please.

Monday, August 23, 2010

All that Jazz...

I have a favor to ask, will you please leave a comment at the end so I know that someone (other than my cousin Angie) is reading this. Thanks!!

4 years old and starting Preschool!!!

Keagan started preschool today. I would like to know where the time went. How is it that he is old enough to go to school. He going to Grace United Methodist for school. I think that he had a good time. He did really well. I thought that he would have a harder time going into the class but he just went in with his teacher. He is such an amazing little guy. He picked out his outfit and finally got to wear his Pokemon backpack. Although he was a little disappointed that he didn't get to take his Super Mario Bro MarioKart lunch box with him. I can't wait to see how he grows and all that he learns.

She will be crawling around the mountain, sometime in the near future. I hope.

Morgan is so frustrated right now its comical. Its almost as if the babies have traded their personalities. Carter is so happy now that he is moving around and can go where he wants. But poor Morgan can't go anywhere and she lets you know when she has had enough of being left alone. She has finally started scooting around a little. She goes through this vicious cycle... You set her down, she sits for a couple minutes, flops onto her belly, starts to whine until you set her back up. Unfortunately as soon as you set her back up she flops back to her belly again. I will be happy when she finally starts crawling.

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.

Carter started clapping his hands out of the blue. He is so cute doing it. He will crawl a little, sit up and start clapping. This went on for about 5 days and then, no clapping for over a week. Then yesterday he started clapping. He is just so darn cute.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4 years and 4 months and 8 months

Sometimes I feel like all I talk about on here is the babies. So here is too Keagan. He is such an amazing little man. I know that most parents feel like this about their children so I am going to toot his horn a little. He is so smart. He is ready to start preschool and I can't wait to watch him learn and grow. He picked out his backpack last week, who would have guessed that he would pick out the Pokemon one. How is it that he is old enough to go to school. He loves to play on the xbox, sometimes he just wants to sit with me or Craig and watch but he also likes to play some of the games by himself. He is the best big brother ever. He loves his baby brother and sister. Especially now that they can play with him or he can play with them. He has now decided that he wants to be like daddy and sleep in his undies only. He has been a great big help with keeping his toys picked up, mostly without having to ask him. I am so blessed with these three wonderful children.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

More pictures of the kiddos

The babies...

I took the babies to the doctor last Friday and here are the stats on them and a few updates...


  • Weighs in at 18 lbs 4 ounces

  • He is 27 inches long (I think)

  • He is sitting up really well now, this happens only when he stays still long enough to sit there.

  • He has no problem getting where he wants to go. He was doing a combination of things to move but this afternoon he was crawling. YEAH!!!!

  • He can sit himself up now.

  • Had to move his mattress in his crib down to the lowest level because he is going to be pulling himself up before to long.

  • He love love loves yogurt. He has hardly swallowed the bite before he is opening his mouth for more.

  • He has started getting his bear in his crib. About a week ago I noticed that almost every time I went in to get him he had moved the bear out of his corner.

  • He got to go to his 1st fair but slept through all of the animals.


  • Weighs in at 19lb 10 oz

  • She is 26 1/2 inches tall (I think)

  • She can sit by herself also, she is better at this than Carter because she doesn't move like him.

  • She hasn't even considered crawling, I am still not sure that she ever will. I still think that she will go straight to walking.

  • She gets upset when she gets stuck in a certain position. Since she isn't trying to crawl she still dislikes being on her tummy, and since she isn't moving she hasn't considered that she might be able to sit herself up.

  • She has gotten to be a nosey little thing. Especially when she is eating, must be the vantage point.

  • I still don't know if she has a fave thing to eat.

  • Both of the babies are getting good at using their sippy cups. They are also starting to dislike their bottles.

Slish Slash Vacation Bible School

Keagan went to vacation bible school at Stidham Church. He had a great time all week. For the most part he didn't sing or do the motions to the songs but occassionally he would forget that there was a bunch of people watching him and he would do a couple.