There are some days when I wish that I had a magic wand. I don't need it to do anything really special...I need one that could take away fevers, give my daughter her medicine without her having to taste it(it is really nasty stuff by the way), maybe I would use it to do laundry since it seems to pile up as fast as I can wash, dry, fold it, and put it away. Unfortunately I don't have one so I will do what moms do and take care of my children and husband as best as I can.
Here are some things that have happened it the last few days.
- Carter had his first haircut. He still has wild hair that sticks up in the back but at least its trimmed thanks to Sherry. She did a great job.
- Keagan is finally starting to really enjoy preschool. It took him a little bit of time to get used to the routine. He has a girlfriend there but we have yet to remember her name. Only in a four year old's mind is this ok. They have traded silly bands. This is very important!!
- Morgan went to the doctor on Friday and she is having an asthmatic episode right now. She is on a nebulizer 4 times a day. Has to take steroids 4 times a day. This stuff is NASTY. I have been putting it in food and pretty much force feeding it to her but it makes me feel like a horrible mom.
- On a positive note...She is about to take off and go. She will crawl about two times forward and then fall to her belly but she is so close finally. I know some think that I am crazy for wanting two babies crawling but she is going to be so much happier once she figures it out that it will be worth it to have to chase after both of them.
- Carter is pulling himself up on everything and it probably won't be long until he is walking.
This video is one of the funniest things I have seen or heard in a long time, it amazes me how something so minor can seem so funny to one that hasn't experienced a lot in his short life.