I have a four year old. Where in the world did the last four years go? My little man is so independent. He hates being called a baby, especially now that we have 2 in the house. He is really starting to enjoy the babies now that they will smile and laugh at him. I wish that he would lose some of his attitude, some days I just don't want to deal with it. We had a great day yesterday. I made him the dinner he wanted, roast with mashed potatoes and gravy and corn. He got to open his presents from us since his party wasn't until today. He loved them all.
The babies were also four months old yesterday. They are smiling so much now, laughing a lot more. We are still working on the rolling over part. They are both sleeping through the night, unless we don't feel good. We had started some cereal but with everything going on with Morgan that kinda got pushed to the side. I am so blessed to have two great babies. It has gotten a little easier now that they are sleeping through the night. I don't have to worry so much about them being on the same eating schedule, although I still try and feed them at the same time as much as possible. People are always amazed by how having two babies doesn't seem to freak me out. You just deal with it and go on. Its just a way of life for us. We have had a rough month or so with them but I can only imagine how much harder it could be. Morgan's issues are not over yet, poor girl just can't seem to catch a break. So here is the latest in the Morgan' saga. Last night after her bath I noticed that she had a little rash on her tummy and a couple other areas. This morning she woke up with the rash ALL over her body. I know that it is bothering her, she was up almost every 15-30 minutes last night. Benadyrl doesn't really help that much. She was supposed to go in for her last test for the urinary tract but that isn't going to happen now cause there would be no way to know if she is having an allergic reaction to the dye. We just can't get her better. Makes my heart hurt, and for the most part these are minor things. How do parents whom have really sick children watch their children suffer?