So I am going to try this blog thing again. Mostly so that I can keep family up to date on our family. Hope everyone enjoys reading about our lives.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

4 years and 4 months

I have a four year old. Where in the world did the last four years go? My little man is so independent. He hates being called a baby, especially now that we have 2 in the house. He is really starting to enjoy the babies now that they will smile and laugh at him. I wish that he would lose some of his attitude, some days I just don't want to deal with it. We had a great day yesterday. I made him the dinner he wanted, roast with mashed potatoes and gravy and corn. He got to open his presents from us since his party wasn't until today. He loved them all.

The babies were also four months old yesterday. They are smiling so much now, laughing a lot more. We are still working on the rolling over part. They are both sleeping through the night, unless we don't feel good. We had started some cereal but with everything going on with Morgan that kinda got pushed to the side. I am so blessed to have two great babies. It has gotten a little easier now that they are sleeping through the night. I don't have to worry so much about them being on the same eating schedule, although I still try and feed them at the same time as much as possible. People are always amazed by how having two babies doesn't seem to freak me out. You just deal with it and go on. Its just a way of life for us. We have had a rough month or so with them but I can only imagine how much harder it could be. Morgan's issues are not over yet, poor girl just can't seem to catch a break. So here is the latest in the Morgan' saga. Last night after her bath I noticed that she had a little rash on her tummy and a couple other areas. This morning she woke up with the rash ALL over her body. I know that it is bothering her, she was up almost every 15-30 minutes last night. Benadyrl doesn't really help that much. She was supposed to go in for her last test for the urinary tract but that isn't going to happen now cause there would be no way to know if she is having an allergic reaction to the dye. We just can't get her better. Makes my heart hurt, and for the most part these are minor things. How do parents whom have really sick children watch their children suffer?

I made a cake...

I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was going to make Keagan's birthday cake. I mean how hard could it be to make a cake shaped like a poke ball(for those of you not familar with Pokemon, a poke ball is what a pokemon lives in). So I attempted to make one last week and it didn't really turn out but I figured out what I needed to do for this weekend. So last night I started baking. My first cake wouldn't come out of the pan even though I had greased the heck out of it, it was basically in two pieces. So on to cake two, I used a different pan and greased teh heck out of it and it still didn't come out like it was supposed too. But it would work. Then the next part the same thing happened. I was starting to get a migrane by this point. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly looking forward to icing it this morning but with my wonderful husbands help it turned out ok. It looked like a poke ball and my son loved it. It had a lot of flaws that were mostly covered up by the icing but by the time came to cut it it did have a crack in it were the cake had fallen. Oh well, it was a learning experience that I have dicided I don't want to repeat. Bright side...the cake tasted good!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another visit to the ER

My poor daughter...she is not feeling well at all. More on that in a moment. Carter seems to do pretty good during the day then evening hits and he regresses back a little. I think that he is slowly getting rid of the bug that he has.
So last night Morgan started to sound really bad. She ate about half of her bottle and she is just wheezing and struggling to breath just a little. Craig and I have this discussion...
Me( I am looking at Craig with a somewhat panicked look)"She is sounding really bad."
Craig "What do you want to take her back to the emergency room?"
Me "Not really but I don't really want to put her to bed either, she is wheezing really bad."
Craig "Well what do you want me to do?"
Me "Would you just make her better for me!!!"
Craig (Snaps his finger)
Me "I am going to call your mom and see if I can run her over there so that they can listen to her lungs."
So I call Jill and she tells me that she is going to call the paramedic that is at Wea Fire station. She calls me back and tells me that she was told that I should call 911 and that they will come take a look at her. Well I didn't want to do this so I ran her over to Jill and Steve's and they listened to her lungs and told me that I need to take her to the ER. So off we go again. Craig stayed home with the boys and I took her. After 3 1/2 hours in the ER, I am told that the dr thinks that she has RSV even though her test came back negative. They gave her two breathing treatments that helped just a little. Poor little girl just can't catch a break. Now she is on another antibiotic and predinzone. She was still pretty wheezy today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. A mommy can only hope.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sick kids

My poor babies....Morgan is on her way to feeling better with the whole UTI thing but she has decided that having a UTI isn't enough and is now sharing her brother's cold. My littlest guy started coughing on Sunday and it has just progressively gotten worse. Most of the time he is still in good spirits but last night (or early this morning about 3:30 am) he started coughing and then he started gagging then he couldn't catch his breath. He was losing it, becoming hysterical. So I rocked him for about an hour (I think, time just runs together in the middle of the night) finally got him settled down and back to sleep. This morning he woke up with a fever. Morgan was already going to the dr so I called to see if we could bring in Carter too. He has an ear infection. Now as many of you have seen, my kiddos don't really look like me. Morgan is starting too but the jury is still out on whether she will have to endure the "You look like your mom." statement for the rest of her life. So I would rather had kiddos that looked like me than ones who got my bad ears and the ability to get many UTIs. Lets keep our fingers crossed that these are flukes and don't become a regular thing.
Morgan's ultrasound was clear but since she is so young her dr wants to have one more test done to make sure that everything is working properly. That will take place on the 29.
I have a feeling that its going to be a long night, Carter is already crying. Why don't we as parents have the ability to snap our fingers and take our children's pain away. That is a super power that I would love to have. Good night all.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Weekend I Wish Never to Repeat

I feel like I have been very blessed in the sleeping babies department. But this last week was difficult. Morgan was not sleeping good at all. She wasn't wanting to get up and eat, she was just restless. I was having to go in multiple times a night to wrap her back up and give her her paci. Friday night she had her bath and then after eating most of a bottle decided that it was time to puke it all back up. The poor thing. So we got her changed and into bed where again she was restless all night. Both her and Carter got up at 6 and after eating and being up for a while they decided to go back to bed. At 9 Craig went in and got her, she was being a little fussy, and changed her diaper. She had a little cough every once in while, but other than being fussy I didn't really notice anything amiss. We tried to give her a bottle, which she gagged on and puked up some more stuff. I noticed that she felt a little warm to me so I took her temp and it was 101.1. I gave her some tylenol and after about 45 minutes of fussy baby she seemed to be getting hotter. So I went and took her temp again and this time it was 102.8 with tylenol in her. So I called the doctor and she said, "GO to the emergency room."
My mom and dad came over and watched the boys and off we went. After watching(and sitting there helplessly while they poked her and made her cry) the ER doc finally came to tell us that she has an urinary tract infection and they need to admit her to give her meds and keep her on an IV. At first they put her in the NICU but they needed her bed for a little baby and moved her to peds. She finally got to come home on Sunday at 2:30 pm after 3 IVS, numerous other blood draws and fun times in a big cage.
She is doing better now, but the medicine that she is on is making her puke and she gags on it. We go tomorrow for an ultrasound and then we go to the doctor on Thursday. Hopefully we will find out why she got the infection and what to do to treat it so she doesn't get another. I know that they say like mother like daughter but this is one area I hope she is not like me. I will keep this updated when we know more.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Slept through the night

Both Carter and Morgan slept through the night Sunday night. Yeah for me. Hard to believe that the two of them combine sleep better at night than Keagan did. He was 7-8 months before he consistantly did this.
Work is going pretty good. My shingles are doing much better and I think my foot is finally healed up.

Friday, March 5, 2010

What a week....

So I started back to work this week. What a ball of fun I had, haha. I really do enjoy my job and most of the time I enjoy everyone that I work with. ;-) I work with twelve women so we all have our moments. Its just that I could have gladly become a stay at home mommy. I was ready to go back to work with Keagan, this time I was not, but all things must come to an end and my maternity leave was up. So back to work I went.
The babies did great, I was really worried how they were going to do since they were in such a set schedule here at home and they hadn't been anywhere, except to my mom and dad's and Craig's mom and dad's. But lucky for me I have two wonderful babysitters that I love. Thanks Misti and Leighann. Keagan did pretty good but by Thursday he was telling me "Mommy I want to stay at home with you." Break a mommy's heart.
On a positive note, for the last four night the babies have gone to bed between 7-8:30 and have slept until 4-5.
On a negative foot has been bothering me for several months and I finally went to the foot doctor. It has been wrapped up for three weeks now and Thursday I got a cortisone shot in my heal. Felt great!! Not really. On Tuesday I had what I thought were some bites on my right side on my tummy, when I showed them to my mom she thought that they were shingles and so I went to urgent care and she is right. Now I am super worried that I am going to give the babies chicken pox. So everyone, keep your fingers crossed.