So I am going to try this blog thing again. Mostly so that I can keep family up to date on our family. Hope everyone enjoys reading about our lives.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Two months ago today...

Two months ago today I was laying in a hospital bed, not really feeling the greatest but completely happy with our new babies. Fast forward to today, I am still completely happy but wouldn't mind having someone to take complete care of me. haha!
Carter and Morgan have grown so much. Morgan is a little bigger than her brother but she is my laid back baby. For the most part she will swing or sit in her bouncy seat and just look around, she really likes to be sitting up. Oh, she has her moments when she wants to be held but not as often as Carter. Morgan is a daddy's girl, she has him wrapped around he little finger. I always knew that it would happen if we ever had a girl and I was right. I would have to say on the other hand that Carter is a mommy's boy.
Then there is Carter, he is a little smaller but he lets you know that he is here. He doesn't really like being by himself, oh he has his moments when he is content to sit and look around or lay on the floor but for the most part he just wants to be held. He especially likes to be snuggled in his blanket and patted on the butt. They are sleeping pretty good through the night, usually up once in the middle of the night. I can't really complain most nights. Sometimes I wonder if one of them would sleep the whole night but I am not quite ready to get them off schedule. My luck, one would wake up and if I didn't feed the other one then in an hour the other one would want to eat.
I think that the hardest part about having twins right now is trying to spend equal time with each one and with Keagan too. Especially when you have one that wants to be held more than the other.
We have been working with Keagan on his letters, he can spell his name and he is really good at tracing lines and his name. Two more months and he is going to be 4. Time sure flies. He loves being a big brother and is starting to come to the realization that the kitties will lay by him if he is nice to them. He still likes to pick them up and carry them around but he is getting better.
All in all, it has been a great two months. I am looking forward to all the months to come. I will post babies stats after our doctor visit in the next couple of days.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh, how time flies...

Its hard for me to believe that almost 2 months have already gone by, but on Wednesday the twins will be 2 months old. They have grown so much, Morgan continues to outweigh her brother by at least a pound. I will be taking them to the dr this week for checkups so we will soon know just how big they have gotten. They are starting to be awake more during the day, and some nights they sleep really well. We are still waiting for personalities to emerge. Morgan talks and coos a lot more than Carter, mostly because he is usually crying. They are really starting to smile at you. Baby smiles are so precious. Carter has been rolling over occasionally, from his tummy to his back. Morgan isn't quite there. Keagan loves being a big brother, he is always wanting to hold the babies. He like to try and get them to quiet down when they are fussing, very cute to watch. If it works he will usually say, "They just needed to see their big brother." We are working with Keagan on learning his letters, its going slow but he is getting it. He can trace letters, numbers, and lines really well. I am not sure where the last 4 years have gone but I am proud of the little man Keagan is becoming.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The twins are coming...

Craig and I get to the hospital about 1:00 pm. They get me settled into my room and Dr. Penman comes in to see me and do a quick ultrasound to make sure the babies are still breach and if so we need to do a c-section. Carter was still sitting there instead of being head down so on with the c-section. Dr. Penman informs me that I have preeclampsia and because my blood pressure is so high he is worried that I am going to start having seizures at any minute and starts me on some lovely medicine that makes me feel like I am drunk and really hot. Can things really get worse? Nope, they are about to get better because within the next few hours Craig and I get to meet our amazing twins. Carter is born at 4:43 pm weighing in at 5 lb 13.8 oz and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. Morgan is born one minute later at 4:44 pm weighing in at 5 lb 13 oz, and measuring 20 inches long. I know that is strange that they weighed basically the same thing, especially considering that the ultrasound that Dr. Penman had done the week before Morgan was measuring about 6 1/2 lb. Both babies were healthy and neither one of them needed to go the NICU. I had to stay on the nasty meds until the next day, I pretty much just floated through the day. After three days I got to go home with both babies in tow. I had done my job... I carried those two wonderfully amazing babies until they were big enough to leave the hospital with me.

Countdown to D day

Now as you have read, you know that I am patiently and uncomfortably waiting for Dec 2 to arrive. By this time I have been off work for a couple of weeks and I have been enjoying some time with Keagan before his life changes forever. The week of Thanksgiving rolls around and that Monday was my 29th birthday. Only 2 weeks to go... Tuesday late afternoon I got a migraine headache, felt like someone was trying to nail a nail into my eyebrow of my left eye. Nothing I did helped. The next day I called the dr office and the dr was out delivering a baby so the nurse practioner told me to start taking some Mucinex to hopefully start breaking up my congestion and make my headache go away. So I started that Wednesday night. By this time I am so miserable... I can't hardly stand to be in the light, sounds are making me want to cry and I am now taking meds that aren't doing a dang thing for my headache. Thursday rolls around and we go over to my parents house for Thanksgiving dinner. I am still waiting to the medicine to start working, its not!!! I look and feel like crap, and I just keep thinking that I only have one more week to go. Craig and I go home that night and again I am still waiting for my headache to ease up a little. Craig has to work on Friday, so I wait in bed until Keagan gets up. We head out to the living room and every little noise and the light is making my head want to explode. Now I realize as I lay on the couch that my vision is blurring in and out in my left eye. I decide that I want to go over to my parents house, my grandmother is there and I figure that Keagan can see her again before my parents take her home. I finally decide to call my dr, he isn't very happy to hear that I have such a horrible headache and about the blurry vision. He tells me that I need to go have my blood pressure checked. So my dad drives me up to my mother in law's work and her boss takes it. He is EMT and we were a little shocked by the numbers...185/120. We get back to my parents house and I call Dr. Penman back. He tells me that it is time to have a couple of babies. I call Craig and tell him that he needs to come home and we get the Keagan issue taken care of. My mom and dad kept him until he could go over to Grammy and Popper's to spend the night.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Starting over

It has been over a year since I posted anything on here. I am going to try to start posting again just so that those of you who care about the happenings in our family come check us out. So much has happened since... Keagan turned 3, found out we were expecting, found out we were expecting twins, we went fishing again, got ready for the double bundles of joy to arrive, had a lot of fun, and then our lives forever changed when Carter and Morgan arrived in November.
We found out in April that we were expecting a baby. We hadn't really been trying to get pregnant the way that some people do, but we were also not doing anything to prevent a pregnancy from happening. During the early weeks of pregnancy Keagan told his Grammy that he was going to have a baby brother and a baby sister. She laughed it off and told him that he was silly. So as most of you know, I had a tubal pregnancy before we had Keagan, so when I get pregnant I have to have a early ultrasound to check to make sure the pregnancy is in the right place. So off Craig and I go on April 30, 2009 to have an ultrasound done. I am about 8 weeks at this point. From here our day just got weird... the ultrasound tech is looking around and she moves that wand so fast I am not sure what I am seeing, then she says "There is two babies." HUH, are you kidding me? I am not having two babies, we are just having one, I think to myself. Craig is floored. This wasn't even a possibility, we didn't have any twins in the family. So on goes the ultrasound, she finds one heartbeat but not the second one. It is very early and the heart is just starting to develop and beat for the first time so this isn't a concern right now. She tells us that if we came back tomorrow she might be able to see it or it might not show up for a week or so. Needless to say our family and friends are dumbfounded. We go back in for another ultrasound with Dr. Penman about 2 weeks later and there are two little babies with arms and legs and beating hearts. Our lives have officially changed forever. You never really think about having more than one baby at a time unless you are one of those couples doing fertility treatments. We just got LUCKY!!!!
June rolls around and off we go to Minnesota. We had so much fun this year, Keagan loved going out and fishing, playing with Kaleb and Korey, getting in the lake. Then we had a scare mid way through. I woke up bleeding, freaked out, Craig and I go to the hospital in Detroit Lakes. (FYI: I wouldn't ever go back there unless it was a dire emergency, I will have Craig drive to Fargo/Morehead. Hopefully that doesn't happen.) So they couldn't find anything wrong, both babies were fine on the ultrasound. So I took it easy the rest of vacation. The last day I did finally go out a fish with Keagan and Craig and landed my a whooper. I caught a 10 lb northern pike. Yes, Craig is jealous. He has become somewhat of a guide, helping us other fold catch the big ones.
The end of July rolls around and Craig and I are back at the doctors office for another ultrasound to find out the sex of the babies. Now Keagan had already told us that he was having a brother and a sister so that is what I was having. I believed him and would have had trouble believing anyone whom told me differently. Well, she confirmed it, we were indeed having a little boy and a little girl. Now I just had to carry them for as long as possible.
Seemed like the months just flew by. Soon it was Halloween and then we were deciding when the twins would come. About mid November we scheduled a c-section for December 2. I liked knowing when they would be arriving, I just had to make a couple more weeks. Little did I know what was in store for us.