So I am going to try this blog thing again. Mostly so that I can keep family up to date on our family. Hope everyone enjoys reading about our lives.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Life can be so interesting with a little 2 1/2 year old boys running around the house. Parents always love to brag and so I will... Keagan loves to talk. It started about 18 months and there wasn't a word that he wouldn't at least attempt to say. Now the only word that he has trouble with is Kaleb (which is my nephew). As I right this, he is in bed singing the ABC's . Its funny to hear but come on he's 2 1/1 and he can get it almost perfect. He also can count to 13, most of the time skipping 7. And as for the potty training thing... we have moved from pull ups to big boy undies. He doesn't have accidents of any kind. The child has completely spoiled me. Now if we could just move on through this phase of not wanting to give kisses and hugs because I miss my kisses!