So I am going to try this blog thing again. Mostly so that I can keep family up to date on our family. Hope everyone enjoys reading about our lives.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Still the potty training going on...

So as I have stated before, we are working on the whole potty training thing, its really quite amazing how well Keagan is doing with potty training. He is spoiling me for other children. He never really complained when he was teething and now he is doing really well with potty training. He did go #2 tonight for the first time. As Craig says, "That was a big ole turd!". Thats a guy for you. Keagan was very proud of himself! We will see if it continues or if it's just a one time deal. ON the other hand he still hasn't had but a couple of accidents in almost two weeks. So YAH!!! for Keagan.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Its Potty training time...

For those of you that don't talk to me on a regular basis, we have kinda been working on the whole potty training thing for a while. We haven't really been pushing it just letting Keagan do it if he wants and if he doesn't then that is ok too. But Monday night he decided that he didn't want to wear a diaper to bed so I put him in a pull up and he has been wearing them for the last three days with only minimal accidents. We still haven't mastered the whole #2 thing in the potty. I am very proud of him. I think he is a big relief to his babysister who is having difficulty potty training twins that she watches. I hope that Keagan doesn't stress her out like the twins are doing.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Babies, babies and more babies...

For me its that time when everyone around me is having a baby, first my boss had their third child, then my brother and his girlfriend had their baby the next day, then my best friend had her baby three weeks early, three days later. Now being around all of these babies makes me appreciate how self sufficient Keagan has gotten but also makes me a little sad because he is always saying..."Me do it, mommy!". You would also think that with all the babies around that I would be getting baby fever... and a small part has but some days I am still not sure that I want another child. I guess we will leave it up to God.